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Human Migration and Seals: Origins of Pre-Columbian Tuberculosis | Illumina SciMon Video

321 views | 9 years ago

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis is responsible for nearly 1.5 million deaths annually. Infected individuals are asymptomatic for months, which is responsible for worldwide expansion of this pathogen. Researchers...

SciMon: The Making of Science Mondays | Illumina Video

318 views | 9 years ago

SciMon: The Making of Science Mondays. As we decided to venture upon this journey to reveal to the world the importance of genomics we were stepping into uncharted territories. These are a few sneak...

Digging deeper with Environmental DNA: reconstructing ancient ecosystems

235 views | 7 years ago

Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a molecular fossil that can provide information about animal and plant species living in the past. A recent study has led to a new theory about early human migrations in...