Woman spontaneously cured of WHIM: Sequencing solves medical mystery | Illumina SciMon Video


Learn about a case study where a patient was spontaneously cured of WHIM syndrome through a process called chromothripsis. For more information on applications of Illumina technology in the field of DNA sequencing, please visit us at Illumina: http://www.illumina.com/applications/sequencing/dna_sequencing.ilmn Publication Links: PMID: 25662009 | McDermott D.H., et al (2015): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25662009 Publication Research Reviews: http://www.illumina.com/science/publications/publications-review.ilmn The Science Mondays (SciMon) series is brought to you by Illumina http://www.illumina.com/ Illumina hosts Swati Kadam, Ph.D., Scientific Liaison, Scientific Affairs and Jacques Retief, Associate Director, Scientific Affairs deliver 5 minutes of scientific enlightenment on the latest discoveries.
