Introduction to BaseSpace Clarity LIMS | Webinar


Laboratory information management plays an increasingly important role as we continue to introduce new methods for interrogating the genome. BaseSpace® Clarity LIMS provides comprehensive sample tracking and enables labs to optimize their operations to help reduce costs, improve accuracy, and maintain quality. View this webinar to learn how BaseSpace Clarity LIMS can help support your genomics laboratory.

Find out more about BaseSpace Clarity LIMS here

A global genomics leader, Illumina provides comprehensive next-generation sequencing solutions to the research, clinical, and applied markets. Illumina technology is responsible for generating more than 90% of the world’s sequencing data.* Through collaborative innovation, Illumina is fueling groundbreaking advancements in oncology, reproductive health, genetic disease, microbiology, agriculture, forensic science, and beyond. *Data calculations on file. Illumina, Inc., 2015.

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