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Shining a light on the genomics of solar panels contamination

403 views | 8 years ago

Learn how scientists around the world are using next-generation sequencing to identify microbial species living on solar panels. Learn more here. Products: Illumina Nextera DNA Library Preparation Kit...

The origin of fishfingers: CRISPR/Cas9 in the study of evolutionary and developmental biology

506 views | 8 years ago

CRISPR-Cas9 is a powerful study in the fields of developmental and evolutionary biology. Recent studies on fish, butterflies, and crustaceans are great examples on how this technique can be used to...

Of Humans and Microbes: a Long Lasting Relationship

1464 views | 8 years ago

For many years, we have been repeating that for each human cell in a person there are at least 10 bacterial cells. Although this is an over-estimation, recent evidence shows that hominids and certain...

RADseq: Smoke and Mirrors in Butterfly Genetics

242 views | 8 years ago

Learn how restriction site-associated DNA sequencing can help us learn about ecology, evolution, and conservation efforts. Learn more at: http://www.illumina.com/applications/sequencing/dna_sequencing.html...

Attack of the Jet-Lagged Tomatoes

177 views | 8 years ago

Rapid changes in time zones can cause jet lag, as our internal biological clock genes adjust to new circadian light-dark cycles. You might be surprised to discover that tomatoes also have biological...

Progress in Rapid Identification of Variants Linked to Genetic Diseases

274 views | 8 years ago

Learn how DNA sequencing is leading to progress in the rapid identification of variants that might be involved in genetic diseases. Thanks to this work, Dr Kingsmore and his team now hold a Guinness...

Complex Diseases: The Connection Between Genomic Variability and the Expression of a Phenotype

438 views | 8 years ago

The connection between genomic variability and the expression of a phenotype is often complex. Furthermore, in genetics, we often think about DNA sequences and RNA expression levels. However, many complex...

Gut-Brain Axis: The Melancholy of Our Gut Microbiome

663 views | 8 years ago

The microbial population in our guts not only helps with digestion and nutrient absorption, but it also facilitates many important biochemical signaling pathways involved in diseases and our immune...