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RADseq: Smoke and Mirrors in Butterfly Genetics

242 views | 8 years ago

Learn how restriction site-associated DNA sequencing can help us learn about ecology, evolution, and conservation efforts. Learn more at: http://www.illumina.com/applications/sequencing/dna_sequencing.html...

Peter Laird: Epigenetics, DNA Methylation, and Arrays

443 views | 8 years ago

Peter Laird, PhD, discusses his studies of epigenetics and the role DNA methylation may play in contributing to cancer. Dr. Laird highlights the importance of better tools and being able to choose the...

BaseSpace® Sequence Hub | Work better together

176 views | 8 years ago

BaseSpace® Sequence Hub (http://www.illumina.com/informatics/research/sequencing-data-analysis-management/basespace.html) is a cloud-based genomics hub for next-generation sequencing data management...

Statistics of Cell Free DNA Screening

341 views | 8 years ago

Tracy Prosen, MD teaches you how to use statistics applied to screening and diagnostic tests in cell free DNA screenings, how to apply clinical data in real life scenarios, the role of microdeletion...

Attack of the Jet-Lagged Tomatoes

177 views | 8 years ago

Rapid changes in time zones can cause jet lag, as our internal biological clock genes adjust to new circadian light-dark cycles. You might be surprised to discover that tomatoes also have biological...

Our Lives in Data Exhibit at the London Science Museum

391 views | 8 years ago

Science Museum, London is staging the Our Lives in Data exhibition to uncover some of the diverse ways our data is being collected, analyzed, and used. Illumina’s HiSeq X instrument will be on display...

BaseSpace Informatics Suite wins Best of Show

259 views | 8 years ago

Newly introduced genomics software solution voted Best of Show by industry participants at Bio-IT World.

Propelling progress with RNA Sequencing | Illumina Video

339 views | 8 years ago

Next-generation sequencing is transforming RNA-Seq research by equipping scientists with a more complete view of biology. A dramatic rise in RNA-Seq related breakthroughs from oncology, complex disease,...