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Unlocking FFPE tissues: The automation of library preparation of archival samples for RNA-Seq

654 views | 1 decade ago

Dr. Michaela Bowden of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute describes automation of RNA-Seq of archival samples for high throughput on a Beckman FX. Automation of RNA-Seq improves library quality consistency...

Illumina BaseSpace Webinar Series -- DNAStar Apps Overview

1114 views | 1 decade ago

Learn about the two DNAStar Apps on BaseSpace and all they have to offer. In this 5 min. Webinar, you will see "Assemble bacteria de nova -- Free" and "Align, assemble, & analyze reads" Apps in action

Diet: You are What you Eat! | Illumina SciMon Video

927 views | 1 decade ago

The Illumina Scientific Affairs team discusses how sequencing is used to track changes in the microbes that colonize our gut in relation to the food we consume. With a balanced diet the gut microbiome...

Genomic Breakthrough Predicted for Forensic Science | Illumina

2155 views | 1 decade ago

Forensic science is on the verge of a major genomic breakthrough. As innovators of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, we've been collaborating with the forensic community to develop new genomic...

Transforming the Future of Oncology with Genomics | Illumina

1228 views | 1 decade ago

Dr. Rick Klausner, Chief Medical Officer and SVP of Illumina, discusses how genomics will transform the future of oncology. In this short video Dr. Klausner describes two examples of how Illumina is...

Illumina MiSeq, 16S rRNA Sequencing and the American Gut Project

14319 views | 1 decade ago

Next Generation Sequencing on the MiSeq System is the core technology for metagenomics, enabling studies of the human microbiome such as The American Gut Project.

Illumina HLA Sequencing: Possibility becomes progress.

3311 views | 1 decade ago

For years, researchers have been searching for a better method of HLA sequencing. At Illumina, we are turning possibility into progress. The search is over. Now you can have ultra-high resolution HLA...

Illumina Discovery Symposium at AACR 2014

648 views | 1 decade ago

With the 2014 American Association for Cancer Research annual meeting in San Diego, Illumina hosted a pre-conference Discovery Symposium focusing on advances being made in understanding and monitoring...