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Universal Kit for the MiSeqDx Platform

502 views | 1 decade ago

Develop your own diagnostic tests with the MiSeqDx. Stringently validated for design and performance, laboratories can use the FDA-cleared MiSeqDx Universal Kit, together with the MiSeqDx instrument,...

The Hospital Microbiome Projects -- Mapping Bacteria and Tracking HAIs

1059 views | 1 decade ago

Dr. Jack Gilbert of Argonne National Laboratory talks about dynamics of hospital-acquired microbial infections and the Home, Hospital, and Earth microbiome projects involving researchers and ordinary...

Illumina BaseSpace World Wide Developers Conference

936 views | 1 decade ago

See a BaseSpace worldwide Developer Meeting in action, where everyone learns how to create an app in BaseSpace.

GenomeStudio Software for Automated Polyploid Clustering

614 views | 1 decade ago

This webinar demonstrates how to use the Polyploid Clustering Module of GenomeStudio. Topics include: starting a project, optimizing cluster detection sensitivity, manually adjusting clusters, importing...

Molecular Pathology Reimbursement: Outcome of the 2013 Medicare Gapfilling Process

370 views | 1 decade ago

This webinar summarizes the outcome of the Medicare gapfilling process for 114 new molecular pathology (MoPath) codes that were implemented in 2013. The presentation addresses the final 2013 regional...

Illumina Sequencing Technology

364621 views | 1 decade ago

This video provides an overview of the DNA sequencing workflow on an Illumina sequencer. The process begins with Nextera sample preparation, followed by cluster generation on a system flow cell, sequencing...

October 2013: BaseSpace Worldwide Impact

463 views | 1 decade ago

Starting in early 2012, this video displays a graphical and geographical representation of worldwide BaseSpace uploads on the way to 70,000 runs.

Introducing the Native App Engine in BaseSpace

735 views | 1 decade ago

This video describes the benefits of the BaseSpace Native Apps engine, including the look, feel and behavior of these apps without the need to host your own Web service, and the ability to write and...