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Illumina's Genomic Technologies: Applications in Cancer Research and Translation

484 views | 1 decade ago

Jennifer Stone, Ph.D., Cancer Genomics Market Manager at Illumina, discusses Illumina's view of cancer research and how by continually advancing its technologies it is supporting researchers with tools...

Illumina NextGen Sequencing: Think Big, Start Small

8179 views | 1 decade ago

Kenneth Bloom, MD, FCAP, Chief Medical Officer at Clarient (GE Healthcare), discusses the practical aspects of how next-generation sequencing will be applied in the clinical laboratory.

Using LymphoTrack DeepSeq Assays on Illumina MiSeq to Identify and Track Clonal Cell Populations

759 views | 1 decade ago

Jeffrey Miller, Ph.D., CSO and CEO of Invivoscribe, discusses the clinical basis for clonality testing, current technologies to identify clonality and the development of new assays to identify and monitor...

Sequencing analysis of cancer tissue samples: FFPE vs.Fresh Frozen

1836 views | 1 decade ago

Illumina Cancer Webinar Series: Gad Getz, Ph.D., founder of the Cancer Genome Computational Analysis group at the Broad Institute and Director of Bioinformatics at the Mass General Cancer Center and...

Considerations for the Development of an Autism Targeted Sequencing Panel with Dr. Jonathan Pevsner

199 views | 1 decade ago

Considerations for the Development of an Autism Targeted Sequencing Panel with Dr. Jonathan Pevsner

STORY -- A Pivotal Autism Clinical Trial Utilizing Illumina Next Generation Sequencing

1399 views | 1 decade ago

SynapDx is developing a test to shorten the time from suspicion of autism to diagnosis. They chose Illumina next-generation sequencing technology as the platform for designing performance characteristics...

Discovering a Causal Somatic Mutation in Patients with Sturge-Weber

436 views | 1 decade ago

Discovering a Causal Somatic Mutation in Patients with Sturge-Weber Syndrome with Dr. Jonathan Pevsner