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Illumina VeraCode Technology Overview

3836 views | 1 decade ago

The VeraCode technology solution from Illumina represents a revolution in multiplexed molecular testing genotyping gene expression and protein-based assays. http://www.illumina.com/technology.html

Illumina Infinium HD FFPE Restoration Solution Overview

1473 views | 1 decade ago

Archival Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) samples hold an abundance of invaluable information for human cancer studies. Because these samples generally yield highly degraded DNA, they perform...

Illumina Genome Network Overview

535 views | 1 decade ago

The Illumina Genome Network offers human whole-genome sequencing services without compromise. It's simple and convenient. Let us show you how. http://www.illumina.com/services/genome_network.ilmn

Illumina MiSeq Vision

84384 views | 1 decade ago

The MiSeq system is a fully integrated sequencing ecosystem, in a compact and economical instrument. For results in hours, not days, MiSeq uses TruSeq, Illumina's reversible terminator-based sequencing...

Illumina HiSeq 2000 -- the World's Most Powerful Sequencer

20223 views | 1 decade ago

HiSeq 2000 and HiSeq 1000 systems make it possible for individual labs to take on the largest and most complex sequencing studies at the lowest cost. The ability to process larger numbers of samples...

Illumina's Eco Real-Time PCR System

1834 views | 1 decade ago

Eco is a Plug and Play Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction system designed for individual researcher use. With the Eco system, Real-Time PCR technology is now within reach of individual researchers....

Illumina Advances Genomic Research with the Infinium Assay

23996 views | 1 decade ago

Our species, who we are, how we are built, all of this is embedded in our genetic code. By understanding genetic variation, we understand more about human health and disease. The Infinium Assay helps...

Agriculture Capabilities

253 views | 1 decade ago

Scalable. Reliable. Flexible. Illumina has the most extensive toolset available for a wide variety of agrigenomics applications and species. Generate industry-leading data quality. Breed success. Harvest...