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Cancer Immunotherapy and the Role of the Microbiome | Illumina SciMon Video

816 views | 8 years ago

In the story of our long-lasting battle against cancer, encouraging results are coming from applications where our own immune system is triggered to identify and destroy cancer cells. However, these...

Zika virus: From Neglected Tropical Disease to Global Threat | Illumina SciMon Video

667 views | 8 years ago

In a world of rapid international travel, obscure viral infections such as Zika, Chikungunya, and Dengue can quickly spread to become a global crisis. The early symptoms of these serious diseases are...

Alcohol and Flies: Breakthroughs in understanding alcohol use disorders | Illumina SciMon Video

414 views | 8 years ago

Understanding the genetic basis of alcohol use disorders in humans and flies. Learn more at: http://www.illumina.com/applications/sequencing/dna_sequencing.html Products: HumanHap610 Genotyping BeadChip:...

Alternatives to Pesticides: Understanding endosymbionts and sex in moths| Illumina SciMon Video

305 views | 8 years ago

Learn how sequencing is helping us understand the biology of sex determination and endosymbionts Learn more at: http://www.illumina.com/areas-of-interest/microbiology.html Products: MiSeq: http://www.illumina.com/systems/miseq.html...

CRISPR-Cas9: Genome engineering made simple | Illumina SciMon Video

1632 views | 9 years ago

The CRISPR-Cas9 technique, which holds great promise for the future of clinical, biological, and agricultural developments, has seen many applications in 2015. This recently developed gene editing technique...

Mitochondria: How our ancient companion plays a role in cancer | Illumina SciMon Video

889 views | 9 years ago

Sequencing reveals insights into unexpected intercellular genomic transfers between the mitochondria and the nucleus. Learn more at: http://www.illumina.com/applications/sequencing/dna_sequencing.html...

Ebola and sexual transmission | Illumina SciMon Video

453 views | 9 years ago

Six months after being discharged from the Ebola treatment, a male survivor of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) transmitted the virus to his female partner, who died of the disease. The survivor’s semen had...

犬とMRSA:ペットの安全を守る | イルミナのSciMonビデオ

853 views | 9 years ago

16S rRNA遺伝子シーケンスが、MRSA外来患者の世帯を研究し、コンパニオンアニマルにおけるMRSAのコロニー形成と感染を理解するためにどのように役立ったかをご覧ください。詳細については、http://www.illumina.com/areas-of-interest/microbiology/microbial-sequencing-methods.html。MiSeq:http://www.illumina.com/systems/miseq.htmlPublication...