
教育セミナー1 (ES1)

日時 4月19日(金)12:40-13:30
会場 第1会場(ヒルトン福岡シーホーク1階 アルゴスD・E・F)
座長 東京慈恵会医科大学 大石 公彦 先生
演題 GUARDIAN:Genomic Uniform screening Against Rare Diseases In All Newborns
演者 Dr. Wendy Chung
Pediatrics, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
要旨 Genomic Uniform-screening Against Rare Disease in All Newborns (GUARDIAN) is a multi-site single arm prospective study. All newborns in the regular nursery in six New York City hospitals of English, Mandarin, or Spanish speaking parents were eligible. Dried blood spots collected at birth for routine newborn screening were used for genome sequencing. A total of 156 early-onset conditions (group 1) with established effective interventions were screened in all participants, and 99 neurodevelopmental disorders (group 2) were optional. 72.0% consented to participate. The majority consented for screening of both groups of conditions. Testing was successfully completed for 99.4% of cases. The screen positive rate was, with a positive predictive value of 78.0%, including treatable conditions that are not currently included in newborn screening. These findings provide evidence of the parental acceptance and feasibility of genome sequencing-based screening in a diverse newborn population and suggests that early identification of conditions not currently included in newborn screening may reduce healthcare disparities. Additional studies are required to assess barriers to implementation and cost-effectiveness.

イルミナ共催教育セミナーでは、ニューヨークで新生児スクリーニングプロジェクトGURDIANを率いているDr. Wendy Chungを演者にお迎えし、プロジェクトの詳細に加え、今後の展開等についてもご講演いただきます。貴重なご講演を日本で聞ける機会ですので、ぜひご参加ください。

2024/04/19 – 2024/04/21
Zepp Fukuoka
Genetic & Rare Diseases, Complex Disease Genomics
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